PacIOOS Water Quality Sensor Partnership Program

PacIOOS Water Quality Sensor Partnership Program
Posted October 26, 2016The PacIOOS Water Quality Sensor Partnership Program (WQSPP) supports scientists and natural resource managers to collect water quality data in order to inform research, conservation, planning, and resource management projects in the U.S. Insular Pacific region. Comprised of a network of “roving” water quality sensors, the WQSPP provides participating partners with sensors, data management, and technical capacity-building to allow for robust data collection.
Accurate and reliable oceanographic parameters are often difficult to obtain due to a lack of resources or technical expertise. The WQSPP aims to fill this gap by partnering with local project coordinators around the Pacific Islands region to increase our understanding of dynamic marine and coastal ecosystems, habitats, and species. Through the collection of water quality information, natural resource managers and researchers can better evaluate and make more informed decisions regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of their projects.
WQSPP partners have the opportunity to work with moored Seabird 16plus V2 SeaCAT water quality sensors, which can autonomously and accurately measure conductivity, temperature, and pressure at a 0.1 HZ sampling frequency. Up to seven auxiliary sensors can be attached to measure additional parameters, such as turbidity and chlorophyll. All of these measurements can inform the planning, implementation, and monitoring of coastal projects.
State and government resource agencies, colleges, NGOs, and independent researchers affiliated with colleges or institutions within the PacIOOS region can apply to use a Seabird SEACAT water quality sensor for a period of time, usually ranging from 6 months to 2 years. While projects located within the insular Pacific will take priority in the selection process, other U.S. based researchers conducting field work in the PacIOOS region are also eligible to participate. Presently, three sensors are being used in the program.
PacIOOS hopes to grow the number of sensors available and projects supported as interest and resources grow in the future. If you would like to participate in the program, or if you wish to receive more information, please contact Simon Ellis, PacIOOS Regional Coordinator, at or (691) 320-7948.