Monitoring Sediment Run-off in Palau


Monitoring Sediment Run-off in Palau

As part of the PacIOOS Water Quality Sensor Partnership Program (WQSPP), a nearshore sensor was installed in December at Ngaremlengui dock on the island of Babeldoab, Republic of Palau. The Forest and Watershed Restoration Program of the Ebiil Society has replanted vegetative cover in an upland development area above the dock and an adjacent river.


Location of the nearshore sensor and the restoration site.

The sensor will help to monitor sediment run-off in the downstream and reef area and thereby assess the success of the revegetation efforts. The instrument measures water temperature, salinity, turbidity, chlorophyll-a, and depth at 15-minute intervals and will be installed for a one-year period.

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PacIOOS is the first regional association that was certified as a Regional Information Coordination Entity (RICE) by the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS). Certification provides NOAA and its interagency partners a means to verify that a regional association’s organizational and operational practices, including data management, meet recognized and established standards set by NOAA.