More Dolphin and Whale Tracks in Voyager

More Dolphin and Whale Tracks in Voyager
Posted September 19, 2016Cascadia Research Collective (CRC) researcher Robin Baird has provided PacIOOS with additional satellite tracking data of tagged Hawaiian dolphins and whales. Spanning 2013-2014 for the islands of Kauaʻi and Niʻihau with some extensions around Oʻahu and the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, this update includes bottlenose dolphins (7 tracks: TtTag008-020), rough-toothed dolphins (5 tracks: SbTag008-012), and short-finned pilot whales (8 tracks: GmTag070-104). These can now be viewed and animated in Voyager. Look for them under “fish and wildlife” in the “tracking” and “distributions” categories. This supplements the extensive CRC sightings data (direct human observations of species locations) already accessible through Voyager.
Voyager screenshot of rough-toothed dolphin track SbTag011 February 2-16, 2014:

Founded in 1979 to conduct research needed to manage and protect threatened marine mammals, CRC has been undertaking surveys for odontocetes and other cetaceans in Hawaiian waters since 2000. For further information, please visit:
- CRC Hawaiian Cetacean Studies
- Baird 2016 (available Nov. 2016)