Select overlays:
expandcollapse clear set region
hazards: observed
collapse clear all air quality show legend: none current today tomorrow yesterday beach safety show legend: none nearshore offshore droughtshow legend: earthquakesshow legend: tsunami heights show legend: none 2012 2011 2010 1975 1964 1960 1957 1952 1946 volcanoesshow legend: warnings (NWS)n/a at this zoom show legend: refresh:
collapse clear all
show legend:
hazards: forecasts
clear all harbor surge hurricanes & tropical cyclones show legend: refresh: tsunami travel timesn/a at this zoom wave run-up
clear all
hazards: basemaps
collapse clear all flood hazard zones show legend: flood zones floodway tsunami evac zones evacuation zones extreme zones unexploded ordnance
select all clear all PacIOOS wave buoys wave height unit: cm ft in m wave direction unit: ° wave period unit: sec water temperature unit: °C °F K date nearest: now other + − HST + − n/a for this date get: now oldest advanced options show watch circles: hide inactive sites: hide archive sites: small medium large NDBC moored buoys wave height unit: cm ft in m wave direction unit: ° wave period unit: sec water temperature unit: °C °F K date nearest: now other + − HST + − n/a for this date get: now oldest advanced options small medium large CDIP wave buoys wave height unit: cm ft in m wave direction unit: ° wave period unit: sec water temperature unit: °C °F K date nearest: now other + − HST + − n/a for this date get: now oldest advanced options small medium large Liquid Robotics wave height unit: cm ft in m wave direction unit: ° wave period unit: sec date nearest: now other + − HST + − n/a for this date get: now oldest advanced options show glider bounds: small medium large map options show plot on hover: time zone: HST multi-color icons: show legend: rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv jet spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 color bands: min: max: auto-compute min/max: compute get defaults
select all clear all
+ −
HST + −
get: now oldest
advanced options
show watch circles:
hide inactive sites:
hide archive sites:
show glider bounds:
map options
show plot on hover:
time zone: HST
multi-color icons:
rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv jet spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2
color bands:
min: max:
auto-compute min/max:
compute get defaults
tide and water level
select all clear all DART stations column height unit: cm ft in m date nearest: now other + − HST + − n/a for this date get: now oldest advanced options small medium large international stations water level unit: cm ft in m date nearest: now other + − HST + − n/a for this date get: now oldest advanced options small medium large NOS shore stations sea surface height unit: cm ft in m date nearest: now other + − HST + − n/a for this date get: now oldest advanced options small medium large map options show plot on hover: time zone: HST
water quality
select all clear all nearshore sensors water temperature unit: °C °F K salinity unit: PSU chlorophyll unit: mg/m³ µg/L turbidity unit: NTU dissolved oxygen unit: mg/L mg/m³ mL/L µM oxygen saturation unit: % fraction pH unit: pH water pressure unit: dbar inH₂O mmH₂O sensor depth unit: ft m date nearest: now other + − HST + − n/a for this date get: now oldest advanced options hide archive sites: small medium large water quality buoys water temperature unit: °C °F K salinity unit: PSU chlorophyll unit: mg/m³ µg/L turbidity unit: NTU dissolved oxygen unit: mg/L mg/m³ mL/L µM oxygen saturation unit: % fraction nitrate unit: mg/L mg/m³ mL/L µg/L µM CDOM unit: QSDE date nearest: now other + − HST + − n/a for this date get: now oldest advanced options hide archive sites: small medium large water sampling Clean Water Branch Enterococcus unit: CFU/100mL Clostridium unit: CFU/100mL water temperature unit: °C °F K salinity unit: PSU turbidity unit: NTU dissolved oxygen unit: mg/L mg/m³ mL/L µM oxygen saturation unit: % fraction pH unit: pH date nearest: now other + − HST + − n/a for this date get: now oldest advanced options hide inactive sites: small medium large Hui O Ka Wai Ola water temperature unit: °C °F K salinity unit: PSU turbidity unit: NTU dissolved oxygen unit: mg/L mg/m³ mL/L µM oxygen saturation unit: % fraction pH unit: pH nitrogen unit: mg/L mg/m³ mL/L µg/L µM phosphorus unit: mg/L mg/m³ mL/L µg/L µM phosphate unit: mg/L mg/m³ mL/L µg/L µM silicate unit: mg/L mg/m³ mL/L µg/L µM nitrate + nitrite unit: mg/L mg/m³ mL/L µg/L µM ammonia unit: mg/L mg/m³ mL/L µg/L µM date nearest: now other + − HST + − n/a for this date get: now oldest advanced options small medium large archive citizen science Enterococcus unit: CFU/100mL water temperature unit: °C °F K salinity unit: PSU turbidity unit: NTU pH unit: pH date nearest: now other + − HST + − n/a for this date get: now oldest advanced options small medium large map options show plot on hover: time zone: HST multi-color icons: show legend: rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv jet spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 color bands: min: max: auto-compute min/max: compute get defaults
water resources
select all clear all rain gauges precipitation unit: cm in mm cumulative: date nearest: now other + − HST + − n/a for this date get: now oldest advanced options small medium large stream gauges discharge unit: ft³/s m³/s gauge height unit: cm ft in m date nearest: now other + − HST + − n/a for this date get: now oldest advanced options small medium large map options show plot on hover: time zone: HST multi-color icons: show legend: rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv jet spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 color bands: min: max: auto-compute min/max: compute get defaults
ocean acidification
select all clear all CO2 buoys xCO2 water unit: µmol/mol xCO2 air unit: µmol/mol pH unit: pH air pressure unit: atm hPa inHg kPa mb mmHg psi water temperature unit: °C °F K salinity unit: PSU date nearest: now other + − HST + − n/a for this date get: now oldest advanced options hide archive sites: small medium large map options show plot on hover: time zone: HST multi-color icons: show legend: rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv jet spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 color bands: min: max: auto-compute min/max: compute get defaults remotely operated vehicles Which ROV? -- Active: -- None -- Historic: -- LRI: Aʻa LRI: Aʻa2 LRI: NC2 SD: 1089: carbon dioxide SD: 1089: chlorophyll SD: 1089: oxygen SD: 1089: pH SD: 1089: salinity SD: 1089: temperature SD: 1090: carbon dioxide SD: 1090: chlorophyll SD: 1090: oxygen SD: 1090: pH SD: 1090: salinity SD: 1090: temperature SD: 1091: carbon dioxide SD: 1091: chlorophyll SD: 1091: oxygen SD: 1091: pH SD: 1091: salinity SD: 1091: temperature UH: sg_114_003 UH: sg_114_004 UH: sg_139_001 UH: sg_139_002 UH: sg_139_003 UH: sg_139_006 UH: sg_139_007 UH: sg_139_008 UH: sg_139_009 UH: sg_148_017 UH: sg_512_011 UH: sg_523_001 UH: sg_523_003 UH: sg_523_004 UH: sg_523_006 auto-zoom: show legend: none time time zone: HST water temperature unit: °C °F K salinity unit: PSU chlorophyll unit: mg/m³ µg/L dissolved oxygen unit: mg/L mL/L µM pH unit: pH xCO2 water unit: µmol/mol depth unit: ft ftm km m mi yd water temperature unit: °C °F K salinity unit: PSU depth unit: ft ftm km m mi yd water temperature unit: °C °F K locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options include lines: show arrows: end points only: display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest multi-color: glider circle triangle square diamond star plus cross rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 color bands: min: max: auto-compute min/max: compute get defaults date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST depth range min: max: m animation loop continuously: show progress bar: animation speed: fastest faster fast medium slow slower slowest play in reverse: ocean observatories select all clear all ACO HOT Kilo Nalu future assets select all clear all wave buoys water level stations nearshore sensors water quality buoys rain & stream gauges harbor monitoring iRobot sea gliders high frequency radio AIS receivers coastal cameras models select all clear ROMS SCUD SWAN WaveWatch III WRF remote sensing doppler Which region? Hawaiʻi Guam auto-zoom: show legend: show value near click: none base reflectivity unit: dBZ date: time: HST surface currents (HFR) select all clear all Select location... Hilo Oʻahu instrument sites surface currentsn/a at this zoom date: + − time: HST + − get latest get oldest map options show legend: show value near click: spatial resolution: auto-select: 1 km 2 km 6 km temporal resolution: hourly 25-hour average jet heat cold rainbow rainbow bright jungle blue-red blue-yellow-red ocean grayscale thermal heatmap stoplight min: max: cm/s surface currents (HFR) Select location... Oʻahu Hilo auto-zoom: show legend: show value near click: instrument sites: none surface currents unit: cm/s ft/s km/h knot m/s mph black arrow line arrow stumpy arrow fancy arrow date: + − time: HST + − get: latest oldest map options rainbow redblue sst pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 color bands: min: max: auto-compute: compute get defaults area statistics draw box or enter below max lat: min lon: max lon: min lat: satellite data Which instrument/data? altimetry (recent) altimetry (historic) Aquarius (salinity) ASCAT (wind) CCMP (wind) clouds CRW (coral, SST) G1SST (SST) geo-polar blended (SST) MODIS (chlorophyll) OC-CCI (chlorophyll) QuikSCAT (wind) SeaWiFS (chlorophyll) VIIRS altimetry (recent): daily altimetry (historic): daily Aquarius: weekly Aquarius: monthly ASCAT: daily CCMP: monthly clouds CRW: daily CRW MHW: daily G1SST: daily geo-polar blended: daily geo-polar blended: weekly geo-polar blended: monthly Jason-1: daily Jason-1: weekly Jason-1: monthly MODIS Aqua: daily MODIS Aqua: weekly MODIS Aqua: monthly MODIS Aqua: CDOM: daily MODIS Aqua: CDOM: weekly MODIS Aqua: CDOM: monthly MODIS Aqua: PIC: daily MODIS Aqua: PIC: weekly MODIS Aqua: PIC: monthly MODIS Aqua: POC: daily MODIS Aqua: POC: weekly MODIS Aqua: POC: monthly MUR: daily MUR: monthly OC-CCI: daily OC-CCI: weekly OC-CCI: monthly QuikSCAT: daily QuikSCAT: weekly QuikSCAT: monthly SeaWiFS: daily SeaWiFS: weekly SeaWiFS: monthly VIIRS: daily VIIRS: weekly VIIRS: monthly auto-zoom: show legend: show value near click: none sea surface salinity span: weekly monthly unit: PSU wind span: daily unit: cm/s ft/s km/h knot m/s mph black arrow line arrow stumpy arrow fancy arrow wind barb wind span: monthly unit: cm/s ft/s km/h knot m/s mph black arrow line arrow stumpy arrow fancy arrow wind barb clouds (infrared)n/a at this zoom clouds (visible)n/a at this zoom sea surface temperature span: daily unit: °C °F K sea surface temperature: anomaly span: daily unit: °C °F coral bleaching: alert area span: daily unit: index coral bleaching: alert area: 7-day max span: daily unit: index coral bleaching: hot spots span: daily unit: °C °F coral bleaching: degree heating week span: daily unit: °C week °F week marine heatwave span: daily unit: index sea surface temperature span: daily unit: °C °F K sea surface temperature span: daily weekly monthly unit: °C °F K sea surface height span: daily weekly monthly unit: cm ft in m velocity span: daily weekly monthly unit: cm/s ft/s km/h knot m/s mph black arrow line arrow stumpy arrow fancy arrow sea surface height span: daily unit: cm ft in m velocity span: daily unit: cm/s ft/s km/h knot m/s mph black arrow line arrow stumpy arrow fancy arrow sea surface height span: daily unit: cm ft in m velocity span: daily unit: cm/s ft/s km/h knot m/s mph black arrow line arrow stumpy arrow fancy arrow chlorophyll span: daily weekly monthly unit: mg/m³ µg/L sea surface temperature span: daily monthly unit: °C °F K chlorophyll span: daily weekly monthly unit: mg/m³ µg/L wind span: daily weekly monthly unit: cm/s ft/s km/h knot m/s mph black arrow line arrow stumpy arrow fancy arrow wind barb chlorophyll span: daily weekly monthly unit: mg/m³ µg/L chlorophyll span: daily weekly monthly unit: mg/m³ µg/L date: + − month: January February March April May June July August September October November December + − time: HST + − get: latest oldest map options rainbow redblue sst pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 color bands: min: max: auto-compute: compute get defaults area statistics draw box or enter below max lat: min lon: max lon: min lat: forecasts weather forecast Which forecast? Global Pacific Hawaiian Islands Maui-Oʻahu Oʻahu Samoa Western North Pacific Mariana Islands auto-zoom: show legend: show value near click: none air temperature unit: °C °F K wind unit: cm/s ft/s km/h knot m/s mph black arrow line arrow stumpy arrow fancy arrow wind barb rain unit: in/h kg/m²/s mm/h humidity unit: % pressure unit: atm hPa inHg kPa mb mmHg psi air temperature unit: °C °F K wind unit: cm/s ft/s km/h knot m/s mph black arrow line arrow stumpy arrow fancy arrow wind barb rain unit: in/h kg/m²/s mm/h humidity unit: % pressure unit: atm hPa inHg kPa mb mmHg psi date: + − time: HST + − get: latest oldest last map options rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv jet spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 color bands: min: max: auto-compute: compute get defaults area statistics draw box or enter below max lat: min lon: max lon: min lat: surf forecast Which forecast? Global NW Hawaiian Islands Main Hawaiian Islands Oʻahu Maui Big Island Kauaʻi Mariana Islands Saipan & Tinian Rota Guam Apra Harbor Samoa Tutuila Manuʻa auto-zoom: show legend: show value near click: none wave height unit: cm ft in m wave direction unit: ° wave period unit: sec wave height unit: cm ft in m wave direction unit: ° wave period unit: sec date: + − time: HST + − get: latest oldest last map options rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv jet spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 color bands: min: max: auto-compute: compute get defaults area statistics draw box or enter below max lat: min lon: max lon: min lat: tide forecast Which forecast? Pacific Hawaiian Islands Big Island auto-zoom: show legend: show value near click: none sea surface height unit: cm ft in m velocity unit: cm/s ft/s km/h knot m/s mph black arrow line arrow stumpy arrow fancy arrow sea surface height unit: cm ft in m velocity unit: cm/s ft/s km/h knot m/s mph black arrow line arrow stumpy arrow fancy arrow depth: 0 50 100 % + − date: + − time: HST + − get: latest oldest last map options rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv jet spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 color bands: min: max: auto-compute: compute get defaults area statistics draw box or enter below max lat: min lon: max lon: min lat: ocean forecast Which forecast? Pacific (drift model) Hawaiian Islands Oʻahu South Shore Waikīkī &npbs;&npbs; Kāneʻohe Samoa Western North Pacific Mariana Islands auto-zoom: show legend: show value near click: none water temperature unit: °C °F K salinity unit: PSU velocity unit: cm/s ft/s km/h knot m/s mph black arrow line arrow stumpy arrow fancy arrow sea surface height unit: cm ft in m water temperature unit: °C °F K salinity unit: PSU velocity unit: cm/s ft/s km/h knot m/s mph black arrow line arrow stumpy arrow fancy arrow sea surface height unit: cm ft in m velocity unit: cm/s ft/s km/h knot m/s mph black arrow line arrow stumpy arrow fancy arrow depth: 0.25 1 2 5 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1750 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 m + − date: + − time: HST + − get: latest oldest last map options rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv jet spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 color bands: min: max: auto-compute: compute get defaults area statistics draw box or enter below max lat: min lon: max lon: min lat: sea level forecast select all clear all high sea level (6-day) sea level rise Zoom to... American Samoa Ofu & Olosega Taʻu Tutuila CNMI Saipan Guam Guam Hawaiʻi Big Island Kauaʻi Lānaʻi Maui Molokaʻi Oʻahu show legend: none inundationn/a at this zoom scenario: 0 ft 1 ft 2 ft 3 ft 4 ft 5 ft 6 ft 7 ft 8 ft 9 ft 10 ft confidencen/a at this zoom scenario: 0 ft 1 ft 2 ft 3 ft 4 ft 5 ft 6 ft 7 ft 8 ft 9 ft 10 ft forecast discussions select all clear all weathern/a at this zoom surfn/a at this zoom coastal and offshoren/a at this zoom high seasn/a at this zoom biology fish and wildlife tracking dolphins bottlenose + − Which dolphin? CRC: TtTag002 CRC: TtTag003 CRC: TtTag004 CRC: TtTag005 CRC: TtTag008 CRC: TtTag009 CRC: TtTag010 CRC: TtTag012 CRC: TtTag013 CRC: TtTag019 CRC: TtTag020 auto-zoom: show legend: path locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options include lines: show arrows: end points only: display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest multi-color: rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 dolphin circle triangle square diamond star plus cross date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST animation loop continuously: show progress bar: animation speed: fastest faster fast medium slow slower slowest play in reverse: rough-toothed + − Which dolphin? CRC: SbTag001 CRC: SbTag002 CRC: SbTag003 CRC: SbTag004 CRC: SbTag005 CRC: SbTag006 CRC: SbTag007 CRC: SbTag008 CRC: SbTag009 CRC: SbTag010 CRC: SbTag011 CRC: SbTag012 auto-zoom: show legend: path locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options include lines: show arrows: end points only: display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest multi-color: rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 dolphin circle triangle square diamond star plus cross date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST animation loop continuously: show progress bar: animation speed: fastest faster fast medium slow slower slowest play in reverse: seals monk Which seal? NOAA: R4DF NOAA: RI11 NOAA: RO12 NOAA: RR70 auto-zoom: show legend: path locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options include lines: show arrows: end points only: display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest multi-color: rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 seal circle triangle square diamond star plus cross date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST animation loop continuously: show progress bar: animation speed: fastest faster fast medium slow slower slowest play in reverse: sharks Galapagos Which shark? HIMB: 652 HIMB: 653 HIMB: 654 auto-zoom: show legend: path locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options include lines: show arrows: end points only: display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest multi-color: rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 shark circle triangle square diamond star plus cross date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST animation loop continuously: show progress bar: animation speed: fastest faster fast medium slow slower slowest play in reverse: tiger Which shark? -- Active: -- HIMB: 204413 HIMB: 204414 -- Historic: -- HIMB: 640 HIMB: 644 HIMB: 645 HIMB: 648 HIMB: 650 HIMB: 37381 HIMB: 81182 HIMB: 88780 HIMB: 88781 HIMB: 88782 HIMB: 88785 HIMB: 89363 HIMB: 89366 HIMB: 122984 HIMB: 122985 HIMB: 122988 HIMB: 132060 HIMB: 132062 HIMB: 132063 HIMB: 132064 HIMB: 132069 HIMB: 133361 HIMB: 133362 HIMB: 133363 HIMB: 133365 HIMB: 133366 HIMB: 133367 HIMB: 133368 HIMB: 133369 HIMB: 133370 HIMB: 133371 HIMB: 133372 HIMB: 133373 HIMB: 134780 HIMB: 137070 HIMB: 137073 HIMB: 137074 HIMB: 137075 HIMB: 137077 HIMB: 137078 HIMB: 137079 HIMB: 144554 HIMB: 144555 HIMB: 144556 HIMB: 145989 HIMB: 160375 HIMB: 160376 HIMB: 160378 HIMB: 160379 HIMB: 160382 HIMB: 160383 HIMB: 171406 HIMB: 171409 HIMB: 176025 HIMB: 176027 HIMB: 176028 HIMB: 176029 HIMB: 204412 HIMB: 244397 HIMB: 244399 HIMB: 244400 auto-zoom: show legend: path locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options include lines: show arrows: end points only: display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest multi-color: rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 shark circle triangle square diamond star plus cross date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST animation loop continuously: show progress bar: animation speed: fastest faster fast medium slow slower slowest play in reverse: turtles loggerhead + − Which turtle? NOAA: 4802_05 NOAA: 8552_05 NOAA: 19580_97 NOAA: 19581_97 NOAA: 19582_97 NOAA: 19585_97 NOAA: 19586_97 NOAA: 19587_97 NOAA: 19590_98 NOAA: 19594_05 NOAA: 19594_98 NOAA: 19595_04 NOAA: 19597_05 NOAA: 19598_98 NOAA: 19599_05 NOAA: 19599_98 NOAA: 19600_99 NOAA: 19601_98 NOAA: 19602_99 NOAA: 19604_98 NOAA: 19606_98 NOAA: 19608_98 NOAA: 19609_99 NOAA: 22130_98 NOAA: 22131_98 NOAA: 22150_00 NOAA: 22152_00 NOAA: 22153_00 NOAA: 22168_05 NOAA: 22172_00 NOAA: 22173_00 NOAA: 22174_99 NOAA: 22180_02 NOAA: 22181_02 NOAA: 22181_04 NOAA: 22182_02 NOAA: 22183_03 NOAA: 22183_05 NOAA: 22208_03 NOAA: 22208_05 NOAA: 22275_03 NOAA: 22275_05 NOAA: 22277_03 NOAA: 22278_02 NOAA: 22278_04 NOAA: 22279_02 NOAA: 22328_02 NOAA: 22329_02 NOAA: 22534_00 NOAA: 22534_05 NOAA: 22535_04 NOAA: 23044_03 NOAA: 23045_03 NOAA: 23069_04 NOAA: 23081_03 NOAA: 23082_05 NOAA: 23177_05 NOAA: 23461_05 NOAA: 23465_03 NOAA: 23465_05 NOAA: 23474_04 NOAA: 23483_03 NOAA: 23483_05 NOAA: 23486_03 NOAA: 23486_05 NOAA: 23559_05 NOAA: 23569_04 NOAA: 24179_99 NOAA: 24181_97 NOAA: 24182_97 NOAA: 24184_97 NOAA: 24185_03 NOAA: 24185_98 NOAA: 24186_03 NOAA: 24190_98 NOAA: 24192_05 NOAA: 24747_00 NOAA: 24749_00 NOAA: 24750_00 NOAA: 24751_00 NOAA: 24752_00 NOAA: 25313_03 NOAA: 25313_05 NOAA: 25315_04 NOAA: 25317_05 NOAA: 25358_03 NOAA: 25358_05 NOAA: 25359_03 NOAA: 25359_98 NOAA: 25360_04 NOAA: 25360_05 NOAA: 25694_03 NOAA: 25695_03 NOAA: 25695_05 NOAA: 29060_03 NOAA: 29060_05 NOAA: 40649_04 NOAA: 40651_04 NOAA: 40728_09 NOAA: 41457_09 NOAA: 42711_03 NOAA: 42712_03 NOAA: 42712_09 NOAA: 42713_03 NOAA: 42714_03 NOAA: 42715_03 NOAA: 42716_04 NOAA: 42717_03 NOAA: 42718_04 NOAA: 50133_05 NOAA: 50134_05 NOAA: 50135_05 NOAA: 50136_05 NOAA: 50138_05 NOAA: 50141_05 NOAA: 50142_05 NOAA: 50146_04 NOAA: 50146_09 NOAA: 50147_04 NOAA: 50149_04 NOAA: 50150_04 NOAA: 50151_04 NOAA: 50151_06 NOAA: 50152_04 NOAA: 50153_04 NOAA: 50154_04 NOAA: 50155_04 NOAA: 50155_06 NOAA: 50156_04 NOAA: 50157_04 NOAA: 50158_04 NOAA: 50159_04 NOAA: 52694_05 NOAA: 52695_05 NOAA: 52698_05 NOAA: 52700_04 NOAA: 52701_04 NOAA: 52703_04 NOAA: 53759_04 NOAA: 53760_04 NOAA: 53761_04 NOAA: 53762_04 NOAA: 53763_04 NOAA: 53764_04 NOAA: 53765_04 NOAA: 53766_04 NOAA: 53767_04 NOAA: 57142_05 NOAA: 57143_05 NOAA: 57144_05 NOAA: 57145_05 NOAA: 57146_05 NOAA: 57147_05 NOAA: 57148_05 NOAA: 57149_05 NOAA: 57151_05 NOAA: 57152_05 NOAA: 57153_05 NOAA: 57154_05 NOAA: 58846_05 NOAA: 65415_06 NOAA: 65416_06 NOAA: 65417_06 NOAA: 65418_06 NOAA: 65419_06 NOAA: 65420_06 NOAA: 65421_06 NOAA: 65421_09 NOAA: 65422_06 NOAA: 65423_06 NOAA: 65424_06 NOAA: 65424_09 NOAA: 65425_06 NOAA: 65426_06 NOAA: 65427_06 NOAA: 65428_06 NOAA: 65429_06 NOAA: 65430_06 NOAA: 65431_06 NOAA: 65432_06 NOAA: 65433_06 NOAA: 65434_06 NOAA: 65435_06 NOAA: 65436_06 NOAA: 65437_06 NOAA: 68329_06 NOAA: 68331_06 NOAA: 68331_09 NOAA: 68332_06 NOAA: 68333_06 NOAA: 68336_09 NOAA: 68337_06 NOAA: 68338_06 NOAA: 68339_06 NOAA: 68340_06 NOAA: 68341_06 NOAA: 71905_09 NOAA: 71908_09 NOAA: 88054_09 NOAA: 88055_09 NOAA: 88059_09 NOAA: 88062_09 NOAA: 88064_09 NOAA: 88065_09 auto-zoom: show legend: path locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options include lines: show arrows: end points only: display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest multi-color: rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 turtle circle triangle square diamond star plus cross date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST animation loop continuously: show progress bar: animation speed: fastest faster fast medium slow slower slowest play in reverse: whales beaked Blainville's Which whale? CRC: MdTag001 CRC: MdTag002 CRC: MdTag003 CRC: MdTag004 CRC: MdTag005 CRC: MdTag006 CRC: MdTag007 CRC: MdTag008 CRC: MdTag009 CRC: MdTag011 CRC: MdTag012 auto-zoom: show legend: path locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options include lines: show arrows: end points only: display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest multi-color: rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 whale circle triangle square diamond star plus cross date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST animation loop continuously: show progress bar: animation speed: fastest faster fast medium slow slower slowest play in reverse: killer false + − Which whale? CRC: PcTag001 CRC: PcTag003 CRC: PcTag005 CRC: PcTag007 CRC: PcTag008 CRC: PcTag009 CRC: PcTag010 CRC: PcTag011 CRC: PcTag012 CRC: PcTag013 CRC: PcTag015 CRC: PcTag016 CRC: PcTag017 CRC: PcTag020 CRC: PcTag021 CRC: PcTag022 CRC: PcTag023 CRC: PcTag026 CRC: PcTag027 CRC: PcTag028 CRC: PcTag030 CRC: PcTag031 CRC: PcTag032 CRC: PcTag033 CRC: PcTag034 CRC: PcTag035 CRC: PcTag036 NMFS: PcTag024 NMFS: PcTag025 auto-zoom: show legend: path locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options include lines: show arrows: end points only: display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest multi-color: rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 whale circle triangle square diamond star plus cross date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST animation loop continuously: show progress bar: animation speed: fastest faster fast medium slow slower slowest play in reverse: killer pygmy Which whale? CRC: FaTag002 CRC: FaTag003 CRC: FaTag005 CRC: FaTag006 CRC: FaTag007 auto-zoom: show legend: path locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options include lines: show arrows: end points only: display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest multi-color: rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 whale circle triangle square diamond star plus cross date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST animation loop continuously: show progress bar: animation speed: fastest faster fast medium slow slower slowest play in reverse: pilot short-finned + − Which whale? CRC: GmTag004 CRC: GmTag006 CRC: GmTag007 CRC: GmTag009 CRC: GmTag011 CRC: GmTag012 CRC: GmTag013 CRC: GmTag014 CRC: GmTag015 CRC: GmTag016 CRC: GmTag017 CRC: GmTag018 CRC: GmTag019 CRC: GmTag020 CRC: GmTag021 CRC: GmTag022 CRC: GmTag023 CRC: GmTag024 CRC: GmTag025 CRC: GmTag026 CRC: GmTag027 CRC: GmTag028 CRC: GmTag029 CRC: GmTag030 CRC: GmTag031 CRC: GmTag032 CRC: GmTag033 CRC: GmTag034 CRC: GmTag035 CRC: GmTag036 CRC: GmTag037 CRC: GmTag038 CRC: GmTag039 CRC: GmTag040 CRC: GmTag041 CRC: GmTag042 CRC: GmTag043 CRC: GmTag044 CRC: GmTag045 CRC: GmTag046 CRC: GmTag047 CRC: GmTag048 CRC: GmTag049 CRC: GmTag050 CRC: GmTag051 CRC: GmTag052 CRC: GmTag053 CRC: GmTag054 CRC: GmTag055 CRC: GmTag056 CRC: GmTag057 CRC: GmTag059 CRC: GmTag060 CRC: GmTag061 CRC: GmTag062 CRC: GmTag063 CRC: GmTag064 CRC: GmTag070 CRC: GmTag078 CRC: GmTag079 CRC: GmTag080 CRC: GmTag081 CRC: GmTag082 CRC: GmTag083 CRC: GmTag104 auto-zoom: show legend: path locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options include lines: show arrows: end points only: display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest multi-color: rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 whale circle triangle square diamond star plus cross date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST animation loop continuously: show progress bar: animation speed: fastest faster fast medium slow slower slowest play in reverse: sightings dolphins bottlenose Which survey? CRC: CRC1 MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST Fraser's Which survey? CRC: CRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST Risso's Which survey? CRC: CRC1 MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST rough-toothed Which survey? CRC: CRC1 MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST spinner Which survey? CRC: CRC1 MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST spotted pantropical Which survey? CRC: CRC1 MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST striped Which survey? CRC: CRC1 MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST sharks tiger Which survey? HIMB: HIMB1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST turtles green sea Which survey? MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST whales beaked Blainville's Which survey? CRC: CRC1 CRC: CRC2 MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST beaked Cuvier's Which survey? CRC: CRC1 MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST beaked Longman's Which survey? CRC: CRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST fin Which survey? CRC: CRC1 MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST humpback Which survey? CRC: CRC1 MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST killer Which survey? CRC: CRC1 MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST killer false Which survey? CRC: CRC1 CRC: CRC2 MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST killer pygmy Which survey? CRC: CRC1 CRC: CRC2 MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST melon-headed Which survey? CRC: CRC1 MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (
remotely operated vehicles
Which ROV? -- Active: -- None -- Historic: -- LRI: Aʻa LRI: Aʻa2 LRI: NC2 SD: 1089: carbon dioxide SD: 1089: chlorophyll SD: 1089: oxygen SD: 1089: pH SD: 1089: salinity SD: 1089: temperature SD: 1090: carbon dioxide SD: 1090: chlorophyll SD: 1090: oxygen SD: 1090: pH SD: 1090: salinity SD: 1090: temperature SD: 1091: carbon dioxide SD: 1091: chlorophyll SD: 1091: oxygen SD: 1091: pH SD: 1091: salinity SD: 1091: temperature UH: sg_114_003 UH: sg_114_004 UH: sg_139_001 UH: sg_139_002 UH: sg_139_003 UH: sg_139_006 UH: sg_139_007 UH: sg_139_008 UH: sg_139_009 UH: sg_148_017 UH: sg_512_011 UH: sg_523_001 UH: sg_523_003 UH: sg_523_004 UH: sg_523_006 auto-zoom: show legend: none time time zone: HST water temperature unit: °C °F K salinity unit: PSU chlorophyll unit: mg/m³ µg/L dissolved oxygen unit: mg/L mL/L µM pH unit: pH xCO2 water unit: µmol/mol depth unit: ft ftm km m mi yd water temperature unit: °C °F K salinity unit: PSU depth unit: ft ftm km m mi yd water temperature unit: °C °F K locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options include lines: show arrows: end points only: display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest multi-color: glider circle triangle square diamond star plus cross rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 color bands: min: max: auto-compute min/max: compute get defaults date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST depth range min: max: m animation loop continuously: show progress bar: animation speed: fastest faster fast medium slow slower slowest play in reverse:
locations displayed:
... of ...
first displayed (HST):
last displayed (HST):
include lines: show arrows: end points only: display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest multi-color: glider circle triangle square diamond star plus cross rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 color bands: min: max: auto-compute min/max: compute get defaults date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST depth range min: max: m animation loop continuously: show progress bar: animation speed: fastest faster fast medium slow slower slowest play in reverse:
include lines:
show arrows:
end points only:
display at most:
selection method:
glider circle triangle square diamond star plus cross
rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2
date range
time range
depth range
min: max: m
loop continuously:
show progress bar:
animation speed: fastest faster fast medium slow slower slowest
play in reverse:
ocean observatories
select all clear all ACO HOT Kilo Nalu
future assets
select all clear all wave buoys water level stations nearshore sensors water quality buoys rain & stream gauges harbor monitoring iRobot sea gliders high frequency radio AIS receivers coastal cameras models select all clear ROMS SCUD SWAN WaveWatch III WRF
select all clear
auto-zoom: show legend: show value near click: none base reflectivity unit: dBZ date: time: HST
show value near click:
surface currents (HFR)
select all clear all Select location... Hilo Oʻahu instrument sites surface currentsn/a at this zoom date: + − time: HST + − get latest get oldest map options show legend: show value near click: spatial resolution: auto-select: 1 km 2 km 6 km temporal resolution: hourly 25-hour average jet heat cold rainbow rainbow bright jungle blue-red blue-yellow-red ocean grayscale thermal heatmap stoplight min: max: cm/s
Select location... Hilo Oʻahu
date: + −
get latest get oldest
spatial resolution:
temporal resolution:
jet heat cold rainbow rainbow bright jungle blue-red blue-yellow-red ocean grayscale thermal heatmap stoplight
min: max: cm/s
auto-zoom: show legend: show value near click: instrument sites: none surface currents unit: cm/s ft/s km/h knot m/s mph black arrow line arrow stumpy arrow fancy arrow date: + − time: HST + − get: latest oldest map options rainbow redblue sst pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 color bands: min: max: auto-compute: compute get defaults area statistics draw box or enter below max lat: min lon: max lon: min lat:
instrument sites:
get: latest oldest
rainbow redblue sst pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2
area statistics
draw box or enter below
satellite data
auto-zoom: show legend: show value near click: none sea surface salinity span: weekly monthly unit: PSU wind span: daily unit: cm/s ft/s km/h knot m/s mph black arrow line arrow stumpy arrow fancy arrow wind barb wind span: monthly unit: cm/s ft/s km/h knot m/s mph black arrow line arrow stumpy arrow fancy arrow wind barb clouds (infrared)n/a at this zoom clouds (visible)n/a at this zoom sea surface temperature span: daily unit: °C °F K sea surface temperature: anomaly span: daily unit: °C °F coral bleaching: alert area span: daily unit: index coral bleaching: alert area: 7-day max span: daily unit: index coral bleaching: hot spots span: daily unit: °C °F coral bleaching: degree heating week span: daily unit: °C week °F week marine heatwave span: daily unit: index sea surface temperature span: daily unit: °C °F K sea surface temperature span: daily weekly monthly unit: °C °F K sea surface height span: daily weekly monthly unit: cm ft in m velocity span: daily weekly monthly unit: cm/s ft/s km/h knot m/s mph black arrow line arrow stumpy arrow fancy arrow sea surface height span: daily unit: cm ft in m velocity span: daily unit: cm/s ft/s km/h knot m/s mph black arrow line arrow stumpy arrow fancy arrow sea surface height span: daily unit: cm ft in m velocity span: daily unit: cm/s ft/s km/h knot m/s mph black arrow line arrow stumpy arrow fancy arrow chlorophyll span: daily weekly monthly unit: mg/m³ µg/L sea surface temperature span: daily monthly unit: °C °F K chlorophyll span: daily weekly monthly unit: mg/m³ µg/L wind span: daily weekly monthly unit: cm/s ft/s km/h knot m/s mph black arrow line arrow stumpy arrow fancy arrow wind barb chlorophyll span: daily weekly monthly unit: mg/m³ µg/L chlorophyll span: daily weekly monthly unit: mg/m³ µg/L date: + − month: January February March April May June July August September October November December + − time: HST + − get: latest oldest map options rainbow redblue sst pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 color bands: min: max: auto-compute: compute get defaults area statistics draw box or enter below max lat: min lon: max lon: min lat:
month: January February March April May June July August September October November December + −
weather forecast
auto-zoom: show legend: show value near click: none air temperature unit: °C °F K wind unit: cm/s ft/s km/h knot m/s mph black arrow line arrow stumpy arrow fancy arrow wind barb rain unit: in/h kg/m²/s mm/h humidity unit: % pressure unit: atm hPa inHg kPa mb mmHg psi air temperature unit: °C °F K wind unit: cm/s ft/s km/h knot m/s mph black arrow line arrow stumpy arrow fancy arrow wind barb rain unit: in/h kg/m²/s mm/h humidity unit: % pressure unit: atm hPa inHg kPa mb mmHg psi date: + − time: HST + − get: latest oldest last map options rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv jet spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 color bands: min: max: auto-compute: compute get defaults area statistics draw box or enter below max lat: min lon: max lon: min lat:
get: latest oldest last
surf forecast
auto-zoom: show legend: show value near click: none wave height unit: cm ft in m wave direction unit: ° wave period unit: sec wave height unit: cm ft in m wave direction unit: ° wave period unit: sec date: + − time: HST + − get: latest oldest last map options rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv jet spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 color bands: min: max: auto-compute: compute get defaults area statistics draw box or enter below max lat: min lon: max lon: min lat:
tide forecast
auto-zoom: show legend: show value near click: none sea surface height unit: cm ft in m velocity unit: cm/s ft/s km/h knot m/s mph black arrow line arrow stumpy arrow fancy arrow sea surface height unit: cm ft in m velocity unit: cm/s ft/s km/h knot m/s mph black arrow line arrow stumpy arrow fancy arrow depth: 0 50 100 % + − date: + − time: HST + − get: latest oldest last map options rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv jet spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 color bands: min: max: auto-compute: compute get defaults area statistics draw box or enter below max lat: min lon: max lon: min lat:
depth: 0 50 100 % + −
ocean forecast
auto-zoom: show legend: show value near click: none water temperature unit: °C °F K salinity unit: PSU velocity unit: cm/s ft/s km/h knot m/s mph black arrow line arrow stumpy arrow fancy arrow sea surface height unit: cm ft in m water temperature unit: °C °F K salinity unit: PSU velocity unit: cm/s ft/s km/h knot m/s mph black arrow line arrow stumpy arrow fancy arrow sea surface height unit: cm ft in m velocity unit: cm/s ft/s km/h knot m/s mph black arrow line arrow stumpy arrow fancy arrow depth: 0.25 1 2 5 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1750 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 m + − date: + − time: HST + − get: latest oldest last map options rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv jet spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 color bands: min: max: auto-compute: compute get defaults area statistics draw box or enter below max lat: min lon: max lon: min lat:
depth: 0.25 1 2 5 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1750 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 m + −
sea level forecast
select all clear all high sea level (6-day)
sea level rise
show legend: none inundationn/a at this zoom scenario: 0 ft 1 ft 2 ft 3 ft 4 ft 5 ft 6 ft 7 ft 8 ft 9 ft 10 ft confidencen/a at this zoom scenario: 0 ft 1 ft 2 ft 3 ft 4 ft 5 ft 6 ft 7 ft 8 ft 9 ft 10 ft
forecast discussions
select all clear all weathern/a at this zoom surfn/a at this zoom coastal and offshoren/a at this zoom high seasn/a at this zoom
fish and wildlife
tracking dolphins bottlenose + − Which dolphin? CRC: TtTag002 CRC: TtTag003 CRC: TtTag004 CRC: TtTag005 CRC: TtTag008 CRC: TtTag009 CRC: TtTag010 CRC: TtTag012 CRC: TtTag013 CRC: TtTag019 CRC: TtTag020 auto-zoom: show legend: path locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options include lines: show arrows: end points only: display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest multi-color: rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 dolphin circle triangle square diamond star plus cross date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST animation loop continuously: show progress bar: animation speed: fastest faster fast medium slow slower slowest play in reverse: rough-toothed + − Which dolphin? CRC: SbTag001 CRC: SbTag002 CRC: SbTag003 CRC: SbTag004 CRC: SbTag005 CRC: SbTag006 CRC: SbTag007 CRC: SbTag008 CRC: SbTag009 CRC: SbTag010 CRC: SbTag011 CRC: SbTag012 auto-zoom: show legend: path locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options include lines: show arrows: end points only: display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest multi-color: rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 dolphin circle triangle square diamond star plus cross date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST animation loop continuously: show progress bar: animation speed: fastest faster fast medium slow slower slowest play in reverse: seals monk Which seal? NOAA: R4DF NOAA: RI11 NOAA: RO12 NOAA: RR70 auto-zoom: show legend: path locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options include lines: show arrows: end points only: display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest multi-color: rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 seal circle triangle square diamond star plus cross date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST animation loop continuously: show progress bar: animation speed: fastest faster fast medium slow slower slowest play in reverse: sharks Galapagos Which shark? HIMB: 652 HIMB: 653 HIMB: 654 auto-zoom: show legend: path locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options include lines: show arrows: end points only: display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest multi-color: rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 shark circle triangle square diamond star plus cross date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST animation loop continuously: show progress bar: animation speed: fastest faster fast medium slow slower slowest play in reverse: tiger Which shark? -- Active: -- HIMB: 204413 HIMB: 204414 -- Historic: -- HIMB: 640 HIMB: 644 HIMB: 645 HIMB: 648 HIMB: 650 HIMB: 37381 HIMB: 81182 HIMB: 88780 HIMB: 88781 HIMB: 88782 HIMB: 88785 HIMB: 89363 HIMB: 89366 HIMB: 122984 HIMB: 122985 HIMB: 122988 HIMB: 132060 HIMB: 132062 HIMB: 132063 HIMB: 132064 HIMB: 132069 HIMB: 133361 HIMB: 133362 HIMB: 133363 HIMB: 133365 HIMB: 133366 HIMB: 133367 HIMB: 133368 HIMB: 133369 HIMB: 133370 HIMB: 133371 HIMB: 133372 HIMB: 133373 HIMB: 134780 HIMB: 137070 HIMB: 137073 HIMB: 137074 HIMB: 137075 HIMB: 137077 HIMB: 137078 HIMB: 137079 HIMB: 144554 HIMB: 144555 HIMB: 144556 HIMB: 145989 HIMB: 160375 HIMB: 160376 HIMB: 160378 HIMB: 160379 HIMB: 160382 HIMB: 160383 HIMB: 171406 HIMB: 171409 HIMB: 176025 HIMB: 176027 HIMB: 176028 HIMB: 176029 HIMB: 204412 HIMB: 244397 HIMB: 244399 HIMB: 244400 auto-zoom: show legend: path locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options include lines: show arrows: end points only: display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest multi-color: rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 shark circle triangle square diamond star plus cross date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST animation loop continuously: show progress bar: animation speed: fastest faster fast medium slow slower slowest play in reverse: turtles loggerhead + − Which turtle? NOAA: 4802_05 NOAA: 8552_05 NOAA: 19580_97 NOAA: 19581_97 NOAA: 19582_97 NOAA: 19585_97 NOAA: 19586_97 NOAA: 19587_97 NOAA: 19590_98 NOAA: 19594_05 NOAA: 19594_98 NOAA: 19595_04 NOAA: 19597_05 NOAA: 19598_98 NOAA: 19599_05 NOAA: 19599_98 NOAA: 19600_99 NOAA: 19601_98 NOAA: 19602_99 NOAA: 19604_98 NOAA: 19606_98 NOAA: 19608_98 NOAA: 19609_99 NOAA: 22130_98 NOAA: 22131_98 NOAA: 22150_00 NOAA: 22152_00 NOAA: 22153_00 NOAA: 22168_05 NOAA: 22172_00 NOAA: 22173_00 NOAA: 22174_99 NOAA: 22180_02 NOAA: 22181_02 NOAA: 22181_04 NOAA: 22182_02 NOAA: 22183_03 NOAA: 22183_05 NOAA: 22208_03 NOAA: 22208_05 NOAA: 22275_03 NOAA: 22275_05 NOAA: 22277_03 NOAA: 22278_02 NOAA: 22278_04 NOAA: 22279_02 NOAA: 22328_02 NOAA: 22329_02 NOAA: 22534_00 NOAA: 22534_05 NOAA: 22535_04 NOAA: 23044_03 NOAA: 23045_03 NOAA: 23069_04 NOAA: 23081_03 NOAA: 23082_05 NOAA: 23177_05 NOAA: 23461_05 NOAA: 23465_03 NOAA: 23465_05 NOAA: 23474_04 NOAA: 23483_03 NOAA: 23483_05 NOAA: 23486_03 NOAA: 23486_05 NOAA: 23559_05 NOAA: 23569_04 NOAA: 24179_99 NOAA: 24181_97 NOAA: 24182_97 NOAA: 24184_97 NOAA: 24185_03 NOAA: 24185_98 NOAA: 24186_03 NOAA: 24190_98 NOAA: 24192_05 NOAA: 24747_00 NOAA: 24749_00 NOAA: 24750_00 NOAA: 24751_00 NOAA: 24752_00 NOAA: 25313_03 NOAA: 25313_05 NOAA: 25315_04 NOAA: 25317_05 NOAA: 25358_03 NOAA: 25358_05 NOAA: 25359_03 NOAA: 25359_98 NOAA: 25360_04 NOAA: 25360_05 NOAA: 25694_03 NOAA: 25695_03 NOAA: 25695_05 NOAA: 29060_03 NOAA: 29060_05 NOAA: 40649_04 NOAA: 40651_04 NOAA: 40728_09 NOAA: 41457_09 NOAA: 42711_03 NOAA: 42712_03 NOAA: 42712_09 NOAA: 42713_03 NOAA: 42714_03 NOAA: 42715_03 NOAA: 42716_04 NOAA: 42717_03 NOAA: 42718_04 NOAA: 50133_05 NOAA: 50134_05 NOAA: 50135_05 NOAA: 50136_05 NOAA: 50138_05 NOAA: 50141_05 NOAA: 50142_05 NOAA: 50146_04 NOAA: 50146_09 NOAA: 50147_04 NOAA: 50149_04 NOAA: 50150_04 NOAA: 50151_04 NOAA: 50151_06 NOAA: 50152_04 NOAA: 50153_04 NOAA: 50154_04 NOAA: 50155_04 NOAA: 50155_06 NOAA: 50156_04 NOAA: 50157_04 NOAA: 50158_04 NOAA: 50159_04 NOAA: 52694_05 NOAA: 52695_05 NOAA: 52698_05 NOAA: 52700_04 NOAA: 52701_04 NOAA: 52703_04 NOAA: 53759_04 NOAA: 53760_04 NOAA: 53761_04 NOAA: 53762_04 NOAA: 53763_04 NOAA: 53764_04 NOAA: 53765_04 NOAA: 53766_04 NOAA: 53767_04 NOAA: 57142_05 NOAA: 57143_05 NOAA: 57144_05 NOAA: 57145_05 NOAA: 57146_05 NOAA: 57147_05 NOAA: 57148_05 NOAA: 57149_05 NOAA: 57151_05 NOAA: 57152_05 NOAA: 57153_05 NOAA: 57154_05 NOAA: 58846_05 NOAA: 65415_06 NOAA: 65416_06 NOAA: 65417_06 NOAA: 65418_06 NOAA: 65419_06 NOAA: 65420_06 NOAA: 65421_06 NOAA: 65421_09 NOAA: 65422_06 NOAA: 65423_06 NOAA: 65424_06 NOAA: 65424_09 NOAA: 65425_06 NOAA: 65426_06 NOAA: 65427_06 NOAA: 65428_06 NOAA: 65429_06 NOAA: 65430_06 NOAA: 65431_06 NOAA: 65432_06 NOAA: 65433_06 NOAA: 65434_06 NOAA: 65435_06 NOAA: 65436_06 NOAA: 65437_06 NOAA: 68329_06 NOAA: 68331_06 NOAA: 68331_09 NOAA: 68332_06 NOAA: 68333_06 NOAA: 68336_09 NOAA: 68337_06 NOAA: 68338_06 NOAA: 68339_06 NOAA: 68340_06 NOAA: 68341_06 NOAA: 71905_09 NOAA: 71908_09 NOAA: 88054_09 NOAA: 88055_09 NOAA: 88059_09 NOAA: 88062_09 NOAA: 88064_09 NOAA: 88065_09 auto-zoom: show legend: path locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options include lines: show arrows: end points only: display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest multi-color: rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 turtle circle triangle square diamond star plus cross date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST animation loop continuously: show progress bar: animation speed: fastest faster fast medium slow slower slowest play in reverse: whales beaked Blainville's Which whale? CRC: MdTag001 CRC: MdTag002 CRC: MdTag003 CRC: MdTag004 CRC: MdTag005 CRC: MdTag006 CRC: MdTag007 CRC: MdTag008 CRC: MdTag009 CRC: MdTag011 CRC: MdTag012 auto-zoom: show legend: path locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options include lines: show arrows: end points only: display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest multi-color: rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 whale circle triangle square diamond star plus cross date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST animation loop continuously: show progress bar: animation speed: fastest faster fast medium slow slower slowest play in reverse: killer false + − Which whale? CRC: PcTag001 CRC: PcTag003 CRC: PcTag005 CRC: PcTag007 CRC: PcTag008 CRC: PcTag009 CRC: PcTag010 CRC: PcTag011 CRC: PcTag012 CRC: PcTag013 CRC: PcTag015 CRC: PcTag016 CRC: PcTag017 CRC: PcTag020 CRC: PcTag021 CRC: PcTag022 CRC: PcTag023 CRC: PcTag026 CRC: PcTag027 CRC: PcTag028 CRC: PcTag030 CRC: PcTag031 CRC: PcTag032 CRC: PcTag033 CRC: PcTag034 CRC: PcTag035 CRC: PcTag036 NMFS: PcTag024 NMFS: PcTag025 auto-zoom: show legend: path locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options include lines: show arrows: end points only: display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest multi-color: rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 whale circle triangle square diamond star plus cross date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST animation loop continuously: show progress bar: animation speed: fastest faster fast medium slow slower slowest play in reverse: killer pygmy Which whale? CRC: FaTag002 CRC: FaTag003 CRC: FaTag005 CRC: FaTag006 CRC: FaTag007 auto-zoom: show legend: path locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options include lines: show arrows: end points only: display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest multi-color: rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 whale circle triangle square diamond star plus cross date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST animation loop continuously: show progress bar: animation speed: fastest faster fast medium slow slower slowest play in reverse: pilot short-finned + − Which whale? CRC: GmTag004 CRC: GmTag006 CRC: GmTag007 CRC: GmTag009 CRC: GmTag011 CRC: GmTag012 CRC: GmTag013 CRC: GmTag014 CRC: GmTag015 CRC: GmTag016 CRC: GmTag017 CRC: GmTag018 CRC: GmTag019 CRC: GmTag020 CRC: GmTag021 CRC: GmTag022 CRC: GmTag023 CRC: GmTag024 CRC: GmTag025 CRC: GmTag026 CRC: GmTag027 CRC: GmTag028 CRC: GmTag029 CRC: GmTag030 CRC: GmTag031 CRC: GmTag032 CRC: GmTag033 CRC: GmTag034 CRC: GmTag035 CRC: GmTag036 CRC: GmTag037 CRC: GmTag038 CRC: GmTag039 CRC: GmTag040 CRC: GmTag041 CRC: GmTag042 CRC: GmTag043 CRC: GmTag044 CRC: GmTag045 CRC: GmTag046 CRC: GmTag047 CRC: GmTag048 CRC: GmTag049 CRC: GmTag050 CRC: GmTag051 CRC: GmTag052 CRC: GmTag053 CRC: GmTag054 CRC: GmTag055 CRC: GmTag056 CRC: GmTag057 CRC: GmTag059 CRC: GmTag060 CRC: GmTag061 CRC: GmTag062 CRC: GmTag063 CRC: GmTag064 CRC: GmTag070 CRC: GmTag078 CRC: GmTag079 CRC: GmTag080 CRC: GmTag081 CRC: GmTag082 CRC: GmTag083 CRC: GmTag104 auto-zoom: show legend: path locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options include lines: show arrows: end points only: display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest multi-color: rainbow rainbow2 redblue sst stoplight stoplight2 spring summer autumn winter bone cool copper hot hsv spectral1 blues grays1 grays2 greens oranges pinks purples reds BrBG BuGn BuPu GnBu OrRd PiYG PRGn PuBu PuBuGn PuOr PuRd RdBu RdGy RdPu RdYlBu RdYlGn YlGn YlGnBu YlOrBr YlOrRd pastel grayscale ferret occam ncview alg alg2 whale circle triangle square diamond star plus cross date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST animation loop continuously: show progress bar: animation speed: fastest faster fast medium slow slower slowest play in reverse: sightings dolphins bottlenose Which survey? CRC: CRC1 MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST Fraser's Which survey? CRC: CRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST Risso's Which survey? CRC: CRC1 MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST rough-toothed Which survey? CRC: CRC1 MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST spinner Which survey? CRC: CRC1 MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST spotted pantropical Which survey? CRC: CRC1 MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST striped Which survey? CRC: CRC1 MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST sharks tiger Which survey? HIMB: HIMB1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST turtles green sea Which survey? MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST whales beaked Blainville's Which survey? CRC: CRC1 CRC: CRC2 MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST beaked Cuvier's Which survey? CRC: CRC1 MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST beaked Longman's Which survey? CRC: CRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST fin Which survey? CRC: CRC1 MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST humpback Which survey? CRC: CRC1 MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST killer Which survey? CRC: CRC1 MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST killer false Which survey? CRC: CRC1 CRC: CRC2 MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST killer pygmy Which survey? CRC: CRC1 CRC: CRC2 MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (HST): ... n/a at this zoom map options display at most: 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 points selection method: evenly earliest middle latest date range start date: get oldest get latest end date: get oldest get latest time range start time: 12:00 am HST end time: 11:59 pm HST melon-headed Which survey? CRC: CRC1 MMRC: MMRC1 auto-zoom: points lines locations displayed: ... of ... first displayed (HST): ... last displayed (
dolphin circle triangle square diamond star plus cross
seal circle triangle square diamond star plus cross
shark circle triangle square diamond star plus cross
turtle circle triangle square diamond star plus cross
whale circle triangle square diamond star plus cross
last displayed (