Category Archives: Voyager News
Insular Pacific Maritime Boundaries
Posted April 12, 2013While previously limited to Hawaiʻi, Voyager’s “maritime boundaries” category has been spatially expanded to include our other PacIOOS regions throughout the insular Pacific. Using data from the NOAA Office...
Aquarius Sea Surface Salinity
Posted April 05, 2013Thanks to updates at NOAA OceanWatch, Voyager now provides weekly and monthly global sea surface salinity from NASA’s Aquarius mission. Aquarius was launched aboard the SAC-D satellite on June...
Hawaiʻi Beach Water Quality Monitoring
Posted April 05, 2013Voyager’s “water quality” category now includes an overlay of coastal water quality measurements sampled by the Beach Monitoring Quality Assurance Program of the State of Hawaiʻi Department of Health...
Coral Reefs: Spatial Distribution
Posted March 19, 2013Voyager’s “fish & wildlife” category now includes a global spatial distribution map for coral reefs. It was compiled in 2010 from numerous data sources by UNEP-WCMC and the WorldFish...
Tagged Tiger Sharks: Spatial Distribution
Posted March 11, 2013Voyager’s “fish & wildlife” category now includes a spatial distribution map for tiger sharks in Hawaiʻi. This overlay represents the aggregated locations of twelve individual sharks tagged with sensors...
Samoa Wave Models
Posted February 19, 2013Voyager now includes two new high resolution regional wave models for the Samoa region: NOAA WaveWatch III (NWW3) at approximately 5-km or 0.05-degree resolution for the Samoan Islands region...
Hawaiʻi Beach Safety
Posted February 11, 2013An overlay of nearshore and offshore safety conditions has been added to Voyager’s “hazards” category based on the popular Hawaiʻi Beach Safety website. This provides Hawaiʻi beach users with...
High Sea Level And Wave Run-Up Forecasts
Posted February 05, 2013Two new overlays have been added to Voyager’s “hazards” category: high sea level forecasts and wave run-up forecasts at select harbors and beaches around the Pacific. Clicking on a...
AVISO Merged Altimetry
Posted January 28, 2013Thanks to updates at NOAA OceanWatch, Voyager now provides daily, weekly, and monthly AVISO merged altimetry, replacing the previously provided Jason-1 product. This dataset merges Jason-1, Jason-2, and TOPEX/Poseidon...
Global Ship Traffic
Posted January 28, 2013Voyager now includes an overlay of global ship traffic. You can find this by selecting “ship routes” under the “navigation” category of the left-hand overlay selection menu. PacIOOS derived...