Re-Certification as ‘Regional Information Coordination Entity’

Re-Certification as ‘Regional Information Coordination Entity’
Posted October 23, 2020The U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System re-certified PacIOOS as a Regional Information Coordination Entity (RICE) on October 23, 2020. RICE certification means that PacIOOS is providing high-quality observations that meet National-level standards, extending the reach and ability of federal programs. Certification is a rigorous and formal process, ensuring consistency across ocean observing organizations with regards to data collection, governance, and management.
IOOS’ Regional Information Coordination Entities bring together local, state and regional ocean and coastal observing capabilities to save lives, safeguard property, and foster economic development. RICEs are responsible for coordinating state, federal, local, and private interests at a regional level to design and operate regional coastal and ocean observing systems that meet the needs of users.
In 2015, PacIOOS was the first regional association to be certified within the IOOS system. Every five years, existing practices and protocols undergo a review process to maintain the certification status. Certification is key to the establishment of the full IOOS system and is mandated by the Integrated Coastal and Ocean Observation System (ICOOS) Act.