Projects : Hawai’i Coral Bleaching Collaborative


The Hawai’i Coral Bleaching Collaborative is a collaboration of various groups studying and monitoring coral bleaching in the Hawaiian Archipelago.  The collaboration brought groups together to combine observational data related to the 2015 and 2019 coral bleaching events in Hawai’i.  Through the collaboration groups have also begun the effort of developing standard operating procedures in order to facilitate rapid and cohesive data collection efforts in response to future bleaching events.

As part of its Regional Ocean Data Sharing Initiative (RODSI), PacIOOS has partnered with the HCBC to publish a coral bleaching dataset for each of the 2015 and 2019 significant coral bleaching events.  A website was developed for hosting the data and data collection resources.  Data visualizations on the website allow collaborators to view the synthesized data and download.  PacIOOS remains actively engaged with the HCBC, offering data feedback and support as the collaborations’ data landscape evolves. More information can be found at the HCBC Website


The Hawai’i Coral Bleaching Collaborative (HCBC) is working on integrating datasets across its partnerships. An integrated dataset covering the 2019 coral bleaching event is publicly available at the HCBC Website.

The Hawai’i Coral Bleaching Collaborative consists of contributors across many different organizations. Contributor generosity in both time and resources foster a collaborative culture and help make the HCBC work.
