West Maui : Wahikuli, Maui
Attention: The forecast is not accurate when a tsunami, tropical storm or cyclone watch/warning is in effect. For these events, please seek information for either tsunamis or tropical storms/hurricanes. In case of a possible inundation event, please consult with local authorities and emergency responders to seek further information and direction.

The Solid Dark Blue Curve and Solid Cyan Curve
display the Past and Forecast Sea Level for the previous 3 days and the next 6 days, respectively, relative to Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW, a typical NOAA datum). Past Sea Level is obtained from a combination of a local tide model with the long-period, non-tidal sea level variability being observed in real-time at Kahului Harbor. Grey vertical lines provide the associated times of high tides.
The Hatched Cyan Curve shows the forecast maximum height (or, run-up height) reached by waves along the shoreline in the Wahikuli region for the next 6 days, relative to MLLW. The run-up height will always exceed or equal the tide plus background sea level described above, because the waves are riding on top of that sea level. The Hatched Dark Blue Curve
shows a history of the last forecast run-up height determined for each particular time of the past 3 days; this curve provides context to show how the forecast run-up for the next 6 days differs. For more information on how the forecasts are produced, see the Details tab on the Overview Page.
If the forecast run-up extends into the red shaded region on the plot, the waves are expected to at least become a disruption for beach activities. The higher the forecast the more severe the expected effects. One or more of the following threshold levels is/are shown in the red shaded area in the plot above: (a) Light Impacts, (b) Hazardous Impacts, (c) Critical Impacts. Click on the Run-up Examples tab for descriptions of the possible hazards.
If you would like to receive notifications when the forecast for Wahikuli (or any other West Maui region) reaches the impact stage, please register here:
The Wahikuli region reaches from Hanakaʻōʻō Park in the north to the Mala Wharf in the south. The region is largely undeveloped park areas, except in the southern third, which contains commercial and residential properties. The shoreline is primarily composed of natural and placed volcanic rock with very limited areas of sand accumulation. Much of the shoreline has been hardened, especially in the southern third. The region has limited protection from waves by narrow reef, which becomes increasingly shallow to the south. Honoapiʻilani Highway and Front St. are occasionally close to the water’s edge and may be subject to impacts from high waves.
Run-up Thresholds
(a) Light Impact – beach and nearshore activities disrupted as occasional waves may sweep the entire beach width.
(b) Hazardous Impact – heavy wave action on beaches; battering of shoreline hardening structures; occasional wave overtopping of artificial shoreline hardening; and/or erosion in vulnerable locations.
(c) Critical Impact – strong battering of artificial shoreline hardening; waves regularly overtopping artificial shoreline hardening; flooding of adjacent roads, land and buildings; and/or significant erosion of vulnerable locations.
Run-up Examples
(b) Hazardous Impact Event — July 13-14, 2019 | Wahikuli

Photo Credit: Joseph Eichenbaum (Hawaiʻi and Pacific Islands King Tides Project). (orange star on map)

Photo Credit: Joseph Eichenbaum (Hawaiʻi and Pacific Islands King Tides Project). (orange star on map)

Photo Credit: Lisa Agdeppa. (blue star on map)

Photo Credit: Joseph Eichenbaum (Hawaiʻi and Pacific Islands King Tides Project). (yellow star on map)

(b) Hazardous Impact Event — July 4, 2020 | Wahikuli

Photo Credit: Don McLeish (Hawaiʻi and Pacific Islands King Tides Project). (blue star on map)

Photo Credit: Don McLeish (Hawaiʻi and Pacific Islands King Tides Project). (blue star on map)

Photo Credit: Don McLeish (Hawaiʻi and Pacific Islands King Tides Project). (blue star on map)

Photo Credit: Don McLeish (Hawaiʻi and Pacific Islands King Tides Project). (orange star on map)

(c) Critical Impact Event — February 10-11, 2019 | North Lahaina

Photo Credit: Don McLeish.

Photo Credit: Don McLeish.

Photo Credit: Don McLeish.

Photo Credit: Don McLeish.

Get Involved!
We continue to collect photo documentation to fine-tune the model (if necessary) and to identify the impacts of these run-up events along the West Maui shoreline. We are specifically interested in photos around peak tides or swells, or anytime waves overtop beach features. If possible, capture the maximum extent of water running up the shoreline. The contributions from you, our citizen scientists, greatly contribute to establishing accurate thresholds for the model. Mahalo for your support!
Please submit your photos at:
To view photo submissions, please check out:
An archive of previous forecast plots can be accessed below. Select a day of interest from the calendar, or use the slider tool to quickly navigate through all available images. Two historical forecast plots are provided for each day, generated at 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM of the local time zone. To view the most recent forecast and to learn more about the different components of the graph, please go to the Forecast tab.
date: :

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