Sea Level Rise : Hawaiʻi Shoreline Change
Find the rate at which the shoreline is changing at a given location. View historical shoreline positions and potential impacts from sea level rise. While the PacIOOS Hawaiʻi Shoreline Change Tool has been retired, it is replaced by the following two pages. Read on for further details.
The Hawaiʻi Shoreline Study Web Map is provided by the University of Hawaiʻi Climate Resilience Cooperative (CRC). This map viewer and data access site provides historical and future projected shoreline transects for the islands of Kauaʻi, Oʻahu, and Maui as well as instantaneous Low Water Mark (LWM) (beach toe), vegetation line (beach landward extent), and future erosion hazard zones:
Hawaiʻi Shoreline Study Map (CRC)
The Oʻahu Shoreline Change website is provided by the City & County of Honolulu Planning Department. It provides the same data as the above CRC Hawaiʻi Shoreline Study Map but for the island of Oʻahu with the intent of informing the management of coastal setbacks for construction permitting purposes, as further described at