Aquarius Sea Surface Salinity

Aquarius Sea Surface Salinity

Thanks to updates at NOAA OceanWatch, Voyager now provides weekly and monthly global sea surface salinity from NASA’s Aquarius mission. Aquarius was launched aboard the SAC-D satellite on June 10, 2011. NASA JPL PO.DAAC recently announced the availability of the validated (version 2.0) Aquarius/SAC-D data on February 25, 2013. Data are available at one-degree (1°) spatial resolution for the period August 26, 2011 to the present.

Voyager Screenshot

Historically, salinity has been sparsely detected at sea, limited mostly to summertime observations in shipping lanes. Utilizing spaceborne passive microwave radiometry, Aquarius provides the first global observations of sea surface salinity, covering Earth’s surface once every 7 days. Over its mission, it will collect as many sea surface salinity measurements as the entire 125-year historical record from ships and buoys.

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