Higher Resolution NOAA Coral Reef Watch Products

Higher Resolution NOAA Coral Reef Watch Products
Posted May 22, 2017Voyager now offers a higher resolution suite of NOAA Coral Reef Watch (CRW) coral bleaching monitoring products. These global, near real-time, satellite-derived data sets are now available daily at 5-km resolution. This replaces the twice-weekly 50-km CRW product suite previously available in Voyager and includes daily average nighttime sea surface temperature (SST), SST anomaly, coral bleaching hot spots, and degree heating weeks (DHW). These can be found in Voyager’s overlay menu under the headings “remote sensing” > “satellite data” > “CRW (coral, temperature)”. Data are based on the NOAA/NESDIS operational daily global 5-km geostationary-polar-orbiting (Geo-Polar) blended night-only SST analysis. See metadata for further details.
Voyager screenshot of higher resolution 5-km NOAA CRW coral bleaching hot spots around American Samoa (EEZ outlined in light blue):

Voyager screenshot of lower resolution 50-km NOAA CRW coral bleaching hot spots:

This higher resolution NOAA CRW dataset is now available in the PacIOOS data servers, including THREDDS Data Server (TDS), Live Access Server (LAS), and ERDDAP. Through these data servers, interoperable data access is provided via OPeNDAP, Web Map Service (WMS), Web Coverage Service (WCS), NetCDF Subset Service (NCSS), and other services. Formal metadata can be found here. These data are downloaded and aggregated daily from NOAA CRW: click here for further information.