New “Save Image” Button

New “Save Image” Button

Voyager Screenshot

At the request of several users, we have added a new “save image” button to Voyager. This is located in the upper-right of the interface directly beside the “link” button (example below). It allows you to capture a screenshot in PNG format of your existing map view. The size of the map will match what you see in your browser. For larger screenshots, first maximize your browser window.

Voyager Screenshot

Some of Voyager’s map features may be excluded in the resulting map*, in which case we recommend using your computer’s screenshot utility (how?: WindowsVoyager Screenshot vs. MacVoyager Screenshot). Another drawback is the time it may take to generate a screenshot: usually between 10-20 seconds, owing to the fact that we must reload the page on our server before an image can be saved. A handy benefit of using the “save image” button, however, is that we remove extraneous features such as the map’s navigation tools as well as the “Map”, “Satellite”, and “Terrain” buttons.

Please note that the Google logo in the lower-left and the copyright information in the lower-right of the map must be retained: it is a violation of Google Map’s Terms of Service (see also: Permission and Licensing) for you to crop this information prior to publishing, sharing, or otherwise redistributing screenshots.

*Features that are excluded from the screenshot utility include map tools like distance, area, range, and lat/lon grid as well as pop-up windows for certain types of static overlays.

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PacIOOS is the first regional association that was certified as a Regional Information Coordination Entity (RICE) by the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS). Certification provides NOAA and its interagency partners a means to verify that a regional association’s organizational and operational practices, including data management, meet recognized and established standards set by NOAA.