New and Extended Monthly Satellite Climatologies
New and Extended Monthly Satellite Climatologies
Posted December 11, 2012
Thanks to updates at NOAA OceanWatch, Voyager’s available monthly climatologies of satellite remote sensing data have been temporally extended. Also, a new monthly climatology of chlorophyll-a concentration has been added for the MODIS Aqua satellite platform. This complements our existing SeaWiFS chlorophyll climatology, whose mission ended at the end of 2010. Our collection of satellite climatologies now includes the following instruments and time periods:
AVHRR sea surface temperature (SST):
old time span: 01/1985-12/2001 (= 16 years total)
new time span: 01/1982-12/2008 (= 26 years total)
MODIS Aqua chlorophyll-a:
time span: 07/2002-10/2012 (= 10.25 years total)
SeaWiFS chlorophyll-a:
old time span: 01/1998-12/2009 (= 11 years total)
new time span: 10/1997-12/2010 (= 12.2 years total)