International Water Level Stations

Global monitoring of real-time sea level in situ measurements from stations that are part of UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC). This includes stations from the following IOC-affiliated programs: (i) Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS); and (ii) networks under the regional tsunami warning systems in the Indian Ocean (IOTWS), North East Atlantic and Mediterranean (NEAMTIC), Pacific (PTWC), and the Caribbean (CARIBE-EWS). The reported sea levels have station-specific offsets and should not be interpreted with respect to mean sea level. However, they are useful for detecting relative changes over time such as tides and tsunamis. NOAA/NOS shore stations are excluded from this collection since they are handled by a separate overlay (see below).

disclaimer: In order to provide the latest available measurements, these data have not undergone any quality control and are provided as received. Data suppliers accept no liability for any errors or delays in data or for interpretations, transactions, or any other use carried out on the basis thereof. For research quality sea level data, please visit the University of Hawaiʻi Sea Level Center (UHSLC).

data policy: these data may not be used for any commercial purposes; more details.

time period: current; refreshes every 5 minutes.

