Weather Observations : Moku o Loʻe, Oʻahu
This station has spotty connectivity. If no recent data, please check back later.
NOTE: Click on the plot below for data at a specific time.
NOTE: This instrument does not report in real-time. New data are retrieved periodically.
start date: : temperature: wave height: wind: rain: currents: site:
Disclaimer: Near real-time data have not been quality controlled.
Disclaimer: Data are released in compliance with real-time quality control standards.
Disclaimer: Real-time data are provided as raw and unaltered. Results of quality control checks are provided within the data set.

This automatic weather station (aws_himb) is located on the southeastern edge of Moku o Loʻe (Coconut Island) in Kāneʻohe Bay on the windward (eastern) coast of Oʻahu in the State of Hawaiʻi. Instruments are mounted on the roof of the Hawaiʻi Institute of Marine Biology (HIMB) Point Lab at approximately 5 m (16 ft) elevation above sea level. Sensors include an Eppley 295-385 nm ultraviolet (UV) radiometer, a LiCor 200SZ Pyranometer, and a LiCor Quantameter (400-700 nm). An accompanying sea water temperature probe is located less than 10 m offshore of the weather station at a shallow depth of approximately 1 m. Data are transmitted hourly.

CAUTION: Due to infrequent calibration and maintenance, data from the radiation sensors (shortwave, PAR, and UV) may be suspect prior to new installations on March 1, 2019. User discretion is advised, particularly with respect to the absolute magnitudes of these measurements. Sensor drift and occasional step shifts are apparent over the length of the time series and can be partly due to changes in sensor platform orientation affecting the solar azimuth.
The HIMB weather station is owned and managed by the Hawaiʻi Institute of Marine Biology (HIMB) in collaboration with Western Weather Group (WWG) under the supervision of Dr. Shimi Rii with funding by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Biological Infrastructure (DBI) Award #1319270.