Building Regional Capacity in Ocean Observing: Pohnpei Workshop

Building Regional Capacity in Ocean Observing: Pohnpei Workshop
Posted January 28, 2020PacIOOS held a regional capacity building workshop in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia, with participation from the states of Chuuk, Kosrae, and Pohnpei. The following workshop objectives were covered during the 2-day meeting:
- Raise awareness of PacIOOS activities and how to access coastal and ocean information.
- Provide information and training to help local agencies identify and prioritize their needs for ocean observing, including potential collaborators.
- Gather information from stakeholders on priorities for future PacIOOS activities.
More than 30 participants represented many different sectors, including conservation organizations, state, national, and international agencies, industry partners, and more. PacIOOS is planning a series of regional capacity building workshops throughout the insular Pacific to build and foster knowledge of ocean observing.
This specifically addresses Objective 4.A. from the PacIOOS Strategic Framework: Foster the capabilities for ocean observing throughout the Insular Pacific., with the goal to Increase observation and model coverage to fill gaps and achieve a more balanced system across the region.

Workshop participants report back from their discussions in break-out groups on potential collaborative projects.