Daily Archives: October 17, 2017

Voyager area statistics tool: GOES-POES SST

New Voyager Area Statistics Tool

Posted October 17, 2017

Voyager now provides a utility for computing statistics over a user-selected area for gridded datasets, including satellite data, forecasts (weather, surf, tide, ocean), bathymetry, and land elevation. This tool...

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Voyager MUR v4.1 1-km SST screenshot: Pacific-wide

MUR Replaces G1SST Blended Sea Surface Temperatures

Posted October 17, 2017

Voyager and Voyager Mobile now offer Multi-scale Ultra-high Resolution (MUR) sea surface temperatures (v4.1). These global, near real-time, satellite-derived data sets are available at daily and monthly time spans...

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Did you know?

PacIOOS is the first regional association that was certified as a Regional Information Coordination Entity (RICE) by the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS). Certification provides NOAA and its interagency partners a means to verify that a regional association’s organizational and operational practices, including data management, meet recognized and established standards set by NOAA.