Nearshore Sensor Observations : Archive : Dausokele Estuary, Pohnpei, FSM
NOTE: Click on the plot below for data at a specific time.
NOTE: This instrument does not report in real-time. New data are retrieved periodically.
start date: : temperature: wave height: wind: rain: currents: site:
Disclaimer: Near real-time data have not been quality controlled.
Disclaimer: Data are released in compliance with real-time quality control standards.
Disclaimer: Real-time data are provided as raw and unaltered. Results of quality control checks are provided within the data set.

This nearshore sensor (nss_wqspp_007) is located 170 meters northeast of the Pohnpei International Airport runway within Dausokele Estuary inside the lagoon along the northern shores of Pohnpei in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM). The sensor package is mounted at approximately 9.5 meters depth. Data are logged every 8 minutes and retrieved periodically.

Deployment at the instrument site.
The PacIOOS Water Quality Sensor Partnership Program (WQSPP) supports scientists and natural resource managers to collect water quality data in order to inform research, conservation, planning, and resource management projects in the U.S. Insular Pacific region. Comprised of a network of “roving” water quality nearshore sensors, the WQSPP provides participating partners with sensors, data management, and technical capacity-building to allow for robust data collection.
As part of the WQSPP, the Conservation Society of Pohnpei (CSP) was supplied with a PacIOOS nearshore sensor to support and inform an ongoing watershed monitoring project in Pohnpei. Land-based sedimentation can have severe impacts on the surrounding watersheds, compromising the water quality and the coastal habitat of coral reefs and fish. Inland development activities have purportedly increased in recent years, prompting the need to monitor sediment run-off from key watersheds. CSP and its partners have installed sediment traps along the Nanpil River estuary, but results to date are inconclusive. Measuring water quality conditions with an accurate sensor will allow CSP to better understand the variations in water quality during different weather conditions, especially periods of heavy rain. The data acquired through this additional PacIOOS sensor will supplement existing data from the long-term PacIOOS station on the upper Nanpil River estuary (nss_006). This project is expected to result in information that can guide the decision-making process on development regulations by the Pohnpei State Legislature.
CSP is a non-governmental organization established to preserve and enhance Pohnpei’s natural biodiversity to protect its natural resources by promoting sustainable development. The project is managed by the CSP’s Marine Program in partnership with the Department of Pohnpei State Resource and Development, the Pohnpei State Office of Fisheries and Aquaculture, the University of Guam’s Marine Lab, and the Marine and Environmental Research Institute of Pohnpei. The nearshore sensor is owned and maintained by PacIOOS under the supervision of Dr. Margaret McManus and lab.